5 Features Exclusive to Ewity’s Professional Plan

Ewity is our easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, cloud-based POS system. We offer it on our website (link below) under two plans; the Starter Plan and the Professional Plan.

We offer the Starter Plan to our valued clients for free as a way to showcase what Ewity can do. However, it is in our paid Professional Plan that the proverbial training wheels come off and the full power of Ewity is unleashed.

In this article, we will highlight 5 features that are exclusive to Ewity’s Professional Plan. We aim to showcase a little bit of what makes it worth investing in. That being said, let’s dive right in.

1. Unlimited Locations

The Starter Plan of Ewity presents you with the limitation of being able to work from only one location. While this is helpful for smaller stores and businesses, it can be a limitation to mid to large sized stores and businesses.

The Professional Plan removes this limitation completely. For $49 per month, per location, you can add Ewity to an unlimited number of locations.

Your staff can access the full potential of Ewity from all of them, and you can access check in on them from where you are as well.

2. Unlimited Products

The number of unique products your inventory can hold is another way the Starter and Professional Plans of Ewity differ.

The Starter Plan can only support 5000 unique entries. This is because this is meant to be a preview of just what our inventory system can do. The Professional Plan has no limit.

By opting for our Professional Plan, you are opting for an inventory system that can handle an endless number of unique products. Your staff never have to worry about running out of storage space when carrying out inventory management.

3. Serialized and Batch Products

The Professional Plan also provides the option of inputting serialized and batch products. Let’s take a look at why this matters.

Serialized inventory is for products where each individual unit has a unique identifying number. Products such as mobile phones fall into this category. Conversely, batch inventory is for products made by the same supplier at the same time, in the same batch. Products such as milk and cars fall into this category.

The Professional Plan of Ewity lets you easily add and manage inventories with both kinds of products.

4. Service Integration

These days, it is very common to see businesses using various online services such as WooCommerce and QuickBooks. We are happy to inform you that choosing Ewity doesn’t mean abandoning any such service.

The Professional Plan of Ewity can integrate many of your existing services into it. So you can continue to do accounting the way you were doing, or you can maintain your online storefront and have your inventory be kept up to date.

We aim to enhance your existing processes, not disrupt them.

5. Priority Support

Here at Ewity, we take pride in being available to our valued clients. We are always open to answer questions, clear doubts, or help with troubleshooting.

When you opt for the Professional Plan, you also qualify for Priority Support. This means that our team will prioritize your requests when attending to their tasks. We aim to attend to your requests ASAP with Priority Support.

And there you have it! These are some of the top features of Ewity that are exclusive to the Professional Plan. These features work with the excellent features already present to enhance the experience of using Ewity to a whole new level.

If you are interested in learning more, please head on over to our website and try out our Professional Plan today!